Thursday, September 22, 2011

f8 and Timeline Love

I'm about to geek out on all of you in 3... 2... 1...

Was anybody else excited about the changes Facebook announced today? Anyone followin' f8?


I have to admit, so far (as the summit's not over yet!), the thing I'm most stoked about is "Timeline." What is Timeline, you ask? Why allow me rip off the short demo video they've created to roll the app out to Facebook users!

Readers, let me ask you... am I the only person who's ever wanted to see their life in a 2 minute montage video of photos, footage and sound bytes backed with one of my favorite tunes?

I know some of you are freaks like me, so I take comfort in the assumption that I am not alone in this wish. I am that girl who stays up until odd hours of the morning watching home videos, flipping through photo albums or scrolling through online images that I have seen plenty of times before, but have no problem looking at over and over and over again. What is it with my obsession with the past (and the present? And the future)?!

Facebook is attempting to make itself a platform for more than just creepily stalking those whom you are no longer in touch; it's allowing us to virtually chronicle our lives and incorporate various methods to do it. I'm sure there are those of you out there who hate it, but I for one do not.

In addition, I love that social media sites are putting an emphasis on social good and change. We need more of it in the world, yes? Are we really going to complain about where it comes from or who's doing it?

I hope not.

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