Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hump Day, Bump Day: Week 26

Adios second trimester! As of this Sunday, I'm officially in it to win it, with only one more trimester standing in my way. Many moms have told me that pregnancy dragged on for them, but I have to say (so far) it's flying by for me!

And you know, if we're nearing my third trimester, it means summer's almost here, so grab your suits everyone and let's kick it!

Musings on weekly photo: Are you covering your eyes and screaming "It's too much! Good god, it's too much!" Get it, grrrrl. Ladies and Gentlemen, I found the balls (because, as crazy as this is, I AM currently carrying a set of balls around) to do this simply because (1) I would have never, EVER posted a photo of myself in a bikini before I got pregnant and (2) I'm not sure if I'll be able to get away with a bikini post-pregnancy at all. Thus, feast your eyes on the beauty that is me scantily clad. Kyle gets to see this every day, lucky guy that he is.

Size of baby: Still hovering around the 2 pound mark, but continuing to put on fat. You go boy! Make yo mama proud.

Movement:  At this point, it'd be worrisome if BBS wasn't moving around (he is though!). However, the range of movement I can feel now is crazy. Kicking and punching, yes of course, but full on body twirling and rolling- it's insane. I think the only one I've yet to experience is baby hiccups.

Cravings: I may have sneaked a Nutter Butter milkshake yesterday after prenatal yoga. And it may have been the most delicious thing ever. Especially right after spending an hour treating my body as a temple.

Annoyance: Ok, so I'm still head over heels with the Snoogle, don't get me wrong. However, sleeping has become a "maybe it will happen tonight, maybe it won't" situation, and yes, I know I should stop complaining about it now because it WILL only get worse a couple months down the road.

Highlight of the week:  Tonight we're off to see one of my favorite bands, The Wombats, at The Casbah. Not only do I L-O-V-E- love their music, they hold a special place in my heart for a different reason as well. The night before I quit my job last year, I watched them play in West Hollywood, and it was a completely cathartic and joyous experience. A few of my favorite songs of theirs can be found here, here and here. Also, their most recent album, This Modern Glitch, is only $5 on Amazon right now. I highly recommend it.

Non-Highlight of the week: I think I'm starting to experience one of the dreaded side effects of pregnancy: edema. Did I scare you with that word? I meant to. It reminds me of all sorts of horrible pirate diseases and cures, like blood-letting with leeches and gout and shingles! It's ok, edema is just excessive swelling, but you should have seen my left foot compared to my right last night. It was frightening.

Fears: Cankles (see above non-highlight).

Nursery: I'm putting together an inspiration board for Baby Boy's nursery and hope to share it with you all before the end of the week. My only wishy washiness right now is the rug. I keep going back and forth between subtle and gray or colorful and fun. The texture makes a difference too because, one, you don't want it to be uncomfortable and two, you don't want it to shed.  

Additional Notes: Next Tuesday we'll be experiencing the first of our "baby classes" at Sharp Mary Birch, the hospital where Kyle and I will be meeting our son for the first time: Dogs and Babies. Apparently, we get a full diagnostic on our dog, which I am possibly most excited for due to the fact that Moe loves kids and that I've been dying for someone to tell me what's going on in my dog's brain anyway. I think my hopes may be a little high for one class.

Happy Hump Day, Bump Day everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Irina! I think my husband thinks I'm a little cray cray for posting photos of myself in a bikini on the internet, but I figure there are only a few people who will actually see them, so c'est la vie!

  2. It is really scary to have a Shingles during pregnancy stage. Wish you all the best.

    1. Hi Bob! Thanks for the supportive wishes, but I do not actually have shingles luckily. Three months to go, fingers crossed I avoid anything like this in the slightest!

  3. As always... Love the hump day bump day! As for your rug dilemma. I would suggest going for something colorful... My son loves laying on the ground and rolling on the floor. I always put down blankets as The dog hair in my house in uncontrolable (sp?) .... But anyways he loves it when the blankets are colorful... But also make sure it's something that is very very easy to bodily functions go everywhere in the nursery! (currently baby A is learning to spit - and at 4 months he does not understand "no", he just thinks he is being cute and continues on if you ever begin to acknowledge his behavior...)
    Ps the bikini is super sexy! Is it leather??? Do you have other plans for it....?!


    1. Our dog hair sitch is pretty out of control too! And no, the bikini isn't leather (I may have found the balls to post a photo of myself in my bikini, but I couldn't rock a leather bathing suit ever, I think). It's a Vitamin A suit. The nice thing about their line is that you can mix and match the top and bottoms, which helps when your ass is growing at an incredible rate :)
      xo, E

  4. You look amazing, E! Rock it out, like a new mama should :)
    I could have sworn I was having a testosterone-ridden boy with the amount of hair that has taken over my belly, but sure enough it's a girl. No excuses for the extra hair, but it's certainly making me hide behind a one-piece this summer.

    Be sure to post about that doggie and baby class after you go - I'm intrigued :)

    1. A GIRL! YAY! Congratulations Becky, how exciting. And no worries, I'll be reporting on the Dog and Babies class for sure (and hopefully it will be a rave review, not an "eye-roll I can't believe we wasted 2.5 hours of our life on that" sort of thing).


    1. Why, thank you! I'm hoping tomorrow brings bikini weather, so I was testing out a suit to see if it fit!

  6. You have a super cute bump :)

    1. Thanks Mama! I hope things are treating you well from the land of newborns :)

  7. Looks like you're having fun! Keep that positive spirit for the next 14 weeks!

    1. Thanks! So far my optimism is at an all time high... Ask me if that's the case in 10 weeks. ;)
